Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's Hurt

The saddest part
isn't that with each
passing day I feel
like I need someone,
but it's
the fact that
I never gonna
have that 'someone'...

I need true love..
Someone should have my love..

P/s: when love is real it finds a way

Saturday, March 06, 2010

I'm Back!!!

hey guys..
i really miss blogging..
actually i dont have time to blogging lah..
seriously!!! i dont even have time to touch my phone.. pfftt!!
im so busy with school and stuff.. masa pact gila kot..
weekdays, going to school at 6.45a.m and will get home at 6 pm..
everyday!!! i repeat.. everyday!!! so tired beb..
and weekend, going to tuition classes at kasturi..
saturday 12 till 5.30.. bapak penat..
sunday, 9 am till 3 pm.. mak bapak penat..
tp slalu skip class so tak penat sgt laa.. heee.. :)
that is my routine.. yeah indeed..
so in the nut shell, im so busyyyyyyyy!!!!
takda masa pun nak rehat2 ok..
and nak ambik driving licence lagi..
my mom scolded me driving her car without a licence..
so i hope i'll get it soon.. amin!!

ouh waittt!!! nak marah sikit ni..
to those of u who texting me just nak mengada2..
PLEASE!! STOP IT!! takda masa nak layan ok..
i dont care who u are.. GO TO HELL!!
just imagine, tgh struggle nak siapkan assignment ni..
boleh plak text and ckp "hai, boleh berkenalan?"
YA ALLAH!! zaman bila beb?? mcm nak baling je phone time tu..
ok something about me,
if you never recieve any a call or msg from me,
that's mean that i dont like/need you..
because i only make a connection with people who i care..

life sucks..
i hope i can still breath and stay alive till the SPM..

p/s: -salihin, aku pun xtau kenapa kau tiba2 nak pindah
but take care ok..
-im so sorry maira..
i dont have time to keep in touch with you..

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

She's Talented!!!

Ouh... I don't have anything to do during this holidays..
Just watched youtube, myspacing, blogging and stuff..

And and....


If someone ask me....

Q: What's your favorite drink?
A: Frapuchino Caramel..

Q: What's your favorite sport?
A: To many don't asked..

Q: What's your favorite TV series?
A: One Tree Hill + Gossip girl

Q: What's your favorite movie?
A: Crows Zero (Japanese Movie) + many more..

Q: Who's your favorite actor?
A: Will Smith..

Q: Who's your favorite singer?


How to catch her??

She had an amazing voice..
Yes, indeed...
She's really talented..
And she is a friend of mine..
Yeay!!! :)

Good Luck D!!!!


xoxo, Gossip Girl

Funny Things During "Terawikh"


I went for terawikh last night...
Meet my friends at the mosque.. (A lot of friends)
Dah mcm bpak kitorang pnye masjid..
And I am totally a jerk lasst night..
Mcm jmpe je i ejek2 "Eh, biar btol kau dtg masjid",
"Eh kau ok ke? Kenapa dtg masjid?",
"Dah nak kiamat ke?"

We talked a lot..
Ustaz ceramah dkt depan
Me and the geng ceramah dkt belakang
It was so boring and sleepy
Kurang pahala aku.. Ishh..
We dont know what to do
in the end, im just listening to the ceramah and keep quiet..

Long story shorten...

During sembahyang terawikh,
i was like khusyuk gila babeng..
Tok imam baca surah ape tah panjang Ya RABBI
Tired but i can still breath, so its ok..
And suddently.............
"BOOMMMMMMMMMMM" there's an idiot throw "mercun" inside the mosque
I was shocked and MELATAH
"Oii Bangang Mercun"
Oppss.. Terlepas.... hahahaha it was so funny..
And guess what???
Semua org yg duduk dkt 2 baris blakang berhenti smbahyang..
They're looking and laughing at me...
"Weh, pandang2 apa? Sembahyang laa" me
Thank god, the pakcik2 were praying at the front rows..
Blakang semua kawan2... Hurhh!!! Selamat!!
After that, semua lari balik...
They all like mad at me..
Friends: Yang kau pegi jerit kuat2 tu kenapa???
Me: Nak buat mcm mana, aku terkejut..
Friends: Tgk nama dah kena blacklist dkt masjid..
Me: Hahahahahah. Yang 'si bangang' tu pegi baling mercun buat apa??
We all: Hahahahahahahahahahahah

We are not going for terawikh for a few days...
So that's it...


xoxo, G G.....

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Doing Nothing

Owh, hey freinds.. Its me again..
And its fasting month.. owhhhhh..
I dont have any plans and rejecting many plans..
Just stayed at home mcm anak dara..
(anak dara pun keluar la beb) Pftt..

Instead of studying, I spent more time sleeping..
Mwahahahahaha.. (as usual)
Stay up till sahur, smbahyang subuh
then continue my daily routine..(sleeping)
sleep,sleep,sleep sampai penat..
hush!!! WTV..

Mom scolded me bcoz skipping music class..
"Ariff, behenti jela, buang duit je tak pegi" mom
"Nnti la pegi, lagipun Ampang Point tu tutup bulan puasa" me
"Yeah right, camtu duit sekolah pun cuti bulan puasa" mom
"Okay.. Fine.. I'll go.. Happy?" me..
One of the reason why i didn't go to the classes
becoz they have homeworks.. WTH!!
School HW pun x buat, ape lagi yg ni..
I dont have any mood to do anything..
Enough about that..

Owh!! I'm thinking about hold a gathering..
I already discuss with some friends and they all like busy.. WTF..
busy doing what?? its holiday lah...
here's the excuses:
"I have training, its V.I beb, we're training 24/7" Izzat
"My cheerleading team also hold a gath on that date" F**** (dah kalah pun nak buat gath ke)
"Takde duit" D*** si kedekut
And more....
WTV lah..
And friends, if you're reading this, please call me..
Nak buat jugakkk.. Grr..

Here's the best part..
Save the best for last right???
My ex called me.. hahahah.. i'm quite shocked..
"Eh, kenapa senyap je??" my ex
"We're still friend right??" my ex
And i only said 3 words..
"Silence is golden" hahahahah
then i hung up..
Bengang je dia...


To be continue...


xoxo, Gossip Girl

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

When I Fall In Love

"When I fall in love, it will be forever, or I'll never fall in love"

Relationships. can't live with it, can't live without it... or so my freinds tell me. i am 16 n very much single. i dont had a 'girlfriends'. scandle byk la..hahha , not that i couldn't but bcoz i choose not to. OK, some of you may have concluded taht im just a plain sore loser when it comes to relationships. and no, im definitely not a gay.. sial sape ckp cmtu..

It really irritates me when some of my friends who have just started going 'steady' try to set me up and get me going out wuth some people, just bcoz they've got themselves involved. "What about her? She looks kind of cute... well, at least she LOOKS cute with you anyway..." Thanks, but no thanks.

Relationships aren't just about who looks good or whether she looks good with you. unfortunately appearance seems to be the first thing one look for in 'prospect'. fine, but as the saying goes, 'Beauty is only skin deep'. How true that is!! I've gone out with some really good-looking people (no, i'm not a flirt; it was more of a group outing) but they didn't seem too nice on the inside...character, that is. Sure, i may look so perfect with this person, but that is not what matters. What matters is whether that person has the inner beauty of kindness, thoughtfulness, understanding, etc, that outshine all outward beauty.

Too many young people these days take a relationship very lightly. They treat it like a fashion statement. If you dont have a 'steady', you're not cool. for most of you that would be a reality bcoz of the pressure from peers. I know some people who treat their partners like they're wardrobes. They keep 'changing' them from time to time, similar to that of Spring Wear or Summer Collection. Ugh!! Disgusting!

These are the kind of people I'm afraid of. They just toy with you and manipulate you to the maximum. The saddest part is some actually BECOME their slaves, thinking that the opposite sex actually loves them. Talk about love being blind!

I'm square you say?? Then try digesting this. When things dont work out at the end of the day, its YOU who are going to be hurt and rejected. Not me. Not the one who played you out but YOU!! So, is that really cool after all??

To be continued...

Friday, February 20, 2009


Times change,
Fashion change,
Life change,

Goverments change,
Leaders change,
Flags change,
Opinions change,
Principles change,
Partners change,
Your default picture change,(haha)
What we stand for, changes,

Changes are not just change,
Changes are life,
Changes too, are human,

With me,
Nation's boundaries and bounders change,
Changes tell us to live,
In a world without boundaries,
Without race nor caste nor creed,

They tell us that we have only one life,
To live to the fullest,
Time brings the winds of changes,

Wings of love,
Winds of knowledge,
Put them together,
And you'll have a bird that soars,
Towards the prosperity of mankind,
We need to nurture that bird,
For the future of our children,

Let the Almighty,
Let HIM lead us to unity,
Let HIM lead us to love,
Let CHANGE lead the way.......

Dear Prime Minister......

Dear Prime Minister,

My name is Azwan Ariff.. 930225-14-xxxx. I am writing this letter bcoz older people sometimes do not understand young people especially adolescents. we are anxious and sometimes can be painful to enter the adult world and shoulder adult responsbilities. We may disagree on certain topics and i am sure both want the best forr country.

While surfing the Web, i came across two words that caught my attention. they are war and humanitarian law. when i read the newspaper, these two words again. when i watched the new, i see horror- Palestine, Israel etc. i have not experienced war(experienced fight) :). its about the hardship during the japanese time. they grew up eating tapioca while i we grow up eating Cornflakes. the story was too boring and ancient for me.(dont lied, xde sape un suke history class) haha. but now the ancient story seems to be real for some countries.

To be continue....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Smile :)

Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though its breaking. When there are clouds in the sky, youll get by. If you smile through your fear and sorrow. Smile and maybe tomorrow. Youll see the sun come shining through for you. Light up your face with gladness. Hide every trace of sadness. Although a tear may be ever so near. Thats the time you must keep on trying. Smile, whats the use of crying? Youll find that life is still worthwhile. If you just smile :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

17 Sign You Like Someone

  • SEVENTEEN: You look at their profile constantly.

  • SIXTEEN: When you’re on the phone with them late at night and they hang up, you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago.

  • FIFTEEN: You read their Texts and Ims Over and over again.

  • FOURTEEN: You walk really slow when you’re with them.

  • THIRTEEN: You feel shy whenever they’re around.

  • ELEVEN: When you think about them, your heart beats faster but slower at the same time.

  • TEN: You smile when you hear their voice.

  • NINE: When you look at them, you can’t see the other people around you, you just see him/her.

  • EIGHT: You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them.

  • SEVEN: They’re all you think about.

  • SIX: You get high just from their scent.

  • FIVE: You realize you’re always smiling when you’re looking at them.

  • FOUR: You would do anything for them, just to see them.

  • THREE: While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time.

  • TWO: You were so busy thinking about that person, you didnt notice number twelve was missing

  • ONE: You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself.